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رمز عبور

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کد تصویری
براي اطلاع از آپيدت شدن وبلاگ در خبرنامه وبلاگ عضو شويد تا جديدترين مطالب به ايميل شما ارسال شود

تاریخ : دو شنبه 16 ارديبهشت 1398
بازدید : 583
نویسنده : کیا فایل

Numerical Linear Algebra: A Concise Introduction with MATLAB and Julia

Numerical Linear Algebra: A Concise Introduction with MATLAB and Julia


Title: Numerical Linear Algebra: A Concise Introduction with MATLAB and Julia | Author(s): Folkmar Bornemann, Walter Simson | Publisher: Springer | Year: 2018 | Edition: 1st | Language: English | Pages : 153 |ISBN: 3319742213, 9783319742212 | Size: 3 MB  | Extension: pdf


This book offers an introduction to the algorithmic-numerical thinking using basic problems of linear algebra. By focusing on linear algebra, it ensures a stronger thematic coherence than is otherwise found in introductory lectures on numerics. The book highlights the usefulness of matrix partitioning compared to a component view, leading not only to a clearer notation and shorter algorithms, but also to significant runtime gains in modern computer architectures. The algorithms and accompanying numerical examples are given in the programming environment MATLAB, and additionally – in an appendix – in the future-oriented, freely accessible programming language Julia. This book is suitable for a two-hour lecture on numerical linear algebra from the second semester of a bachelors degree in mathematics.



:: موضوعات مرتبط: ریاضی , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: فایل , MATLAB , Linear Algebra , Mathematics ,
تاریخ : دو شنبه 16 ارديبهشت 1398
بازدید : 478
نویسنده : کیا فایل

Mathematics Rebooted: A Fresh Approach to Understanding

Mathematics Rebooted: A Fresh Approach to Understanding


Title: Mathematics Rebooted: A Fresh Approach to Understanding | Author(s): Lara Alcock Publisher: Oxford University Press Year: 2017Edition: 1 Language: English Pages : 256 ISBN: 0198803796, 9780198803799 Size: 8 MB Extension: pdf


Would you like to understand more mathematics? Many people would. Perhaps at school you liked mathematics for a while but were then put off because you missed a key idea and kept getting stuck. Perhaps you always liked mathematics but gave it up because your main interest was music or languages or science or philosophy. Or perhaps you studied mathematics to advanced levels, but have now forgotten most of what you once knew. Whichever is the case, this book is for you. It aims to build on what you know, revisiting basic ideas with a focus on meaning. Each chapter starts with an idea from school mathematics - often primary school mathematics - and gradually builds up a network of links to more advanced material. It explores fundamental ideas in depth, using insights from research in mathematics education and psychology to explain why people often get confused, and how to overcome that confusion. For nervous readers, it will build confidence by clarifying basic ideas. For more experienced readers, it will highlight new connections to more advanced material. Throughout, the book explains how mathematicians think, and how ordinary people can understand and enjoy mathematical ideas and arguments. If you would like to be better informed about the intrinsic elegance of mathematics, this engaging guide is the place to start.



:: موضوعات مرتبط: ریاضی , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: فایل , Mathematics , 2017 , Oxford University Press ,
تاریخ : دو شنبه 16 ارديبهشت 1398
بازدید : 1087
نویسنده : کیا فایل

Cohomology and Differential Forms

Cohomology and Differential Forms


Title: Cohomology and Differential Forms | Author(s): Izu Vaisman |Publisher: Dover Publications Year: 2016 Language: English Pages : 293 ISBN: 0486804836, 9780486804835 Size: 21 MB  Extension: pdf


This monograph explores the cohomological theory of manifolds with various sheaves and its application to differential geometry. Based on lectures given by author Izu Vaisman at Romanias University of Iasi, the treatment is suitable for advanced undergraduates and graduate students of mathematics as well as mathematical researchers in differential geometry, global analysis, and topology.

A self-contained development of cohomological theory constitutes the central part of the book. Topics include categories and functors, the Čech cohomology with coefficients in sheaves, the theory of fiber bundles, and differentiable, foliated, and complex analytic manifolds. The final chapter covers the theorems of de Rham and Dolbeault-Serre and examines the theorem of Allendoerfer and Eells, with applications of these theorems to characteristic classes and the general theory of harmonic forms.



:: موضوعات مرتبط: ریاضی , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: فایل , Cohomology , 2016 , Dover Publications , Mathematics , geometry ,
تاریخ : دو شنبه 16 ارديبهشت 1398
بازدید : 500
نویسنده : کیا فایل

Two and Three Dimensional Calculus with Applications in Science and Engineering

Two and Three Dimensional Calculus with Applications in Science and Engineering


Title: Two and Three Dimensional Calculus with Applications in Science and Engineering | Author(s): Phil Dyke | Year: 2018  | Language: english| Pages : 382 | ISBN: 1119221781 | Size: 4 MB  | Extension: pdf




Covers multivariable calculus, starting from the basics and leading up to the three theorems of Green, Gauss, and Stokes, but always with an eye on practical applications.

Written for a wide spectrum of undergraduate students by an experienced author, this book provides a very practical approach to advanced calculus—starting from the basics and leading up to the theorems of Green, Gauss, and Stokes. It explains, clearly and concisely, partial differentiation, multiple integration, vectors and vector calculus, and provides end-of-chapter exercises along with their solutions to aid the readers’ understanding.

Written in an approachable style and filled with numerous illustrative examples throughout, Two and Three Dimensional Calculus: with Applications in Science and Engineering assumes no prior knowledge of partial differentiation or vectors and explains difficult concepts with easy to follow examples. Rather than concentrating on mathematical structures, the book describes the development of techniques through their use in science and engineering so that students acquire skills that enable them to be used in a wide variety of practical situations. It also has enough rigor to enable those who wish to investigate the more mathematical generalizations found in most mathematics degrees to do so.

  • Assumes no prior knowledge of partial differentiation, multiple integration or vectors
  • Includes easy-to-follow examples throughout to help explain difficult concepts
  • Features end-of-chapter exercises with solutions to exercises in the book.

Two and Three Dimensional Calculus: with Applications in Science and Engineering is an ideal textbook for undergraduate students of engineering and applied sciences as well as those needing to use these methods for real problems in industry and commerce.




:: موضوعات مرتبط: ریاضی , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: فایل , mathematics , 2018 , Calculus , Wiley , Multivariate Calculus ,
تاریخ : یک شنبه 15 ارديبهشت 1398
بازدید : 550
نویسنده : کیا فایل

Advanced Algebra and Calculus Made Simple

Advanced Algebra and Calculus Made Simple


Title: Advanced Algebra and Calculus Made Simple | Author(s): William R. Gondin, Bernard Sohmer Publisher: Doubleday Year: 1959 |Edition: 1st Language: English Pages : 228 ISBN: 0385004389, 978-0385004381 Size: 29 MB Extension: pdf


Self-instructing course on some of the more difficult mathematical concepts; includes transcendental equations, limits, vector analysis, and integration



:: موضوعات مرتبط: ریاضی , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: فایل , Doubleday , Calculus , Algebra , 1959 , Mathematics ,
تاریخ : یک شنبه 15 ارديبهشت 1398
بازدید : 551
نویسنده : کیا فایل

Mathematical Aspects of Signal Processing

Mathematical Aspects of Signal Processing


Title: Mathematical Aspects of Signal Processing | Author(s): Pradip Sircar Publisher: Cambridge University Press Year: 2016 Language: English Pages : 257 ISBN: 1107175178, 9781107175174 Size: 5 MB Extension: pdf


Written using clear and accessible language, this text provides detailed coverage of the core mathematical concepts underpinning signal processing. All the core areas of mathematics are covered, including generalized inverses, singular value decomposition, function representation, and optimization, with detailed explanations of how basic concepts in these areas underpin the methods used to perform signal processing tasks. A particular emphasis is placed on the practical applications of signal processing, with numerous in-text practice questions and real-world examples illustrating key concepts, and MATLAB programs with accompanying graphical representations providing all the necessary computational background. This is an ideal text for graduate students taking courses in signal processing and mathematical methods, or those who want to establish a firm foundation in these areas before progressing to more advanced study.



:: موضوعات مرتبط: ریاضی , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: فایل , mathematics , 2016 , Signal , Cambridge University Press ,
تاریخ : یک شنبه 15 ارديبهشت 1398
بازدید : 483
نویسنده : کیا فایل

Solution techniques for elementary partial differential equations

Solution techniques for elementary partial differential equations


Title: Solution techniques for elementary partial differential equations | Author(s): Constanda C. Publisher: CRC Press Year: 2010 Edition: 2Language: English Pages : 340 ISBN: 9781439811405 Size: 2 MB  |Extension: pdf




  • Gives students the necessary theoretical foundation and practical experience for solving analytical problems
  • Presents a variety of solution methods, including the separation of variables, eigenfunction expansion, Fourier and Laplace transformations, Green’s functions, and asymptotic techniques
  • Includes Mathematica® code that enables students to check the accuracy of their work without interfering with the solution procedure
  • Contains a wealth of worked examples and exercises—both computational exercises and standard problems not requiring a software package

A solutions manual and PDF projector files are available upon qualifying course adoption.


Solution Techniques for Elementary Partial Differential Equations, Third Editionremains a top choice for a standard, undergraduate-level course on partial differential equations (PDEs). Making the text even more user-friendly, this third edition covers important and widely used methods for solving PDEs.

New to the Third Edition

  • New sections on the series expansion of more general functions, other problems of general second-order linear equations, vibrating string with other types of boundary conditions, and equilibrium temperature in an infinite strip
  • Reorganized sections that make it easier for students and professors to navigate the contents
  • Rearranged exercises that are now at the end of each section/subsection instead of at the end of the chapter
  • New and improved exercises and worked examples
  • A brief Mathematica® program for nearly all of the worked examples, showing students how to verify results by computer


This bestselling, highly praised textbook uses a streamlined, direct approach to develop students’ competence in solving PDEs. It offers concise, easily understood explanations and worked examples that allow students to see the techniques in action.



Table of Contents

Ordinary Differential Equations: Brief Revision
First-Order Equations

Homogeneous Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients
Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients
Cauchy–Euler Equations
Functions and Operators


Fourier Series
The Full Fourier Series

Fourier Sine and Cosine Series
Convergence and Differentiation
Series Expansion of More General Functions


Sturm–Liouville Problems
Regular Sturm–Liouville Problems

Other Problems
Bessel Functions
Legendre Polynomials
Spherical Harmonics


Some Fundamental Equations of Mathematical Physics
The Heat Equation

The Laplace Equation
The Wave Equation
Other Equations


The Method of Separation of Variables
The Heat Equation

The Wave Equation
The Laplace Equation
Other Equations
Equations with More Than Two Variables


Linear Nonhomogeneous Problems
Equilibrium Solutions

Nonhomogeneous Problems


The Method of Eigenfunction Expansion
The Nonhomogeneous Heat Equation

The Nonhomogeneous Wave Equation
The Nonhomogeneous Laplace Equation
Other Nonhomogeneous Equations


The Fourier Transformations
The Full Fourier Transformation

The Fourier Sine and Cosine Transformations
Other Applications


The Laplace Transformation
Definition and Properties



The Method of Green’s Functions
The Heat Equation
The Laplace Equation
The Wave Equation


General Second-Order Linear Equations
The Canonical Form

Hyperbolic Equations
Parabolic Equations
Elliptic Equations
Other Problems


The Method of Characteristics
First-Order Linear Equations

First-Order Quasilinear Equations
The One-Dimensional Wave Equation
Other Hyperbolic Equations


Perturbation and Asymptotic Methods
Asymptotic Series

Regular Perturbation Problems
Singular Perturbation Problems


Complex Variable Methods
Elliptic Equations
Systems of Equations



Further Reading






:: موضوعات مرتبط: ریاضی , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: فایل , differential equations , Solution Manual , 2010 , CRC Press , Mathematics ,
تاریخ : یک شنبه 15 ارديبهشت 1398
بازدید : 569
نویسنده : کیا فایل

Fundamental of Mathematics Co-ordinate Geometry

Fundamental of Mathematics Co-ordinate Geometry


Title: Fundamental of Mathematics Co-ordinate Geometry | Author(s): Sanjay Mishra Pearson| Series:  Periodical: | Publisher: Pearson | Year: 2018 | Language: English | Pages : 850 | Size: 46 MB | Extension: pdf


Key Features 1. Strictly aligned with the prescribed syllabus. Written in a lucid manner to assist students to understand the concepts without the help of any guide. 2. Provides the vast subject in a structured and useful manner so as to familiarize the candidates taking the current examinations with the current trends and types of multiple-choice questions asked. 3. The multiple-choice questions have been arranged in following categories: Straight Objective Type Questions (Single Choice) Brainteasers Objective Type Questions (Single Choice) Multiple Correct Answer Type Questions (More than one choice) Linked-Comprehension Type Questions Assertion and Reasoning Questions Matrix-Match Type Questions and the IIT - JEE Corner About the Book: Fundamentals of Mathematics -CoordinateGeometry Aspiring engineers have always wanted to secure admissioninpioneering institutes such as the Indian Institute ofTechnologyand the National Institute of Technology. FundamentalsofMathematics, the complete mathematics collection, preparesstudentsfor such prestigious entrance examinations. This seriesiscustomized, class-tested and structure-driven with aconceptualapproach to the subject. The authority, command andexperience ofthe author, Sanjay Mishra, is reflected in the clearexplanationsof complex concepts and in the chapter-end exercises.Each volumeof this series is meticulously planned in a uniquestudent-friendlymanner to make the learning process easier, moreeffective andenjoyable. Contents Preface Acknowledgements Chapter 1 Point and Cartesian System Introduction Postulates of Euclidean Geometry Frame of reference Co-ordinate Systems Rectangular co-ordinate system Sign convention Oblique Co-ordinate System Polar co-ordinate system Relation between the polar and cartesian co-ordinates Distance Between Two Points Lying in a Plane When co-ordinates of two points are given in rectangularform When the co-ordinates of point are given in oblique system When the co-ordinates of points





:: موضوعات مرتبط: ریاضی , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: فایل , JEE , IIT , Mathematics , 2018 , Pearson , Geometry ,
تاریخ : یک شنبه 15 ارديبهشت 1398
بازدید : 485
نویسنده : کیا فایل

Fundamentals of Mathematics IIT JEE Functions and Graphs

Fundamentals of Mathematics IIT JEE Functions and Graphs


Title: Fundamentals of Mathematics IIT JEE Functions and Graphs | Author(s): Sanjay Mishra Publisher: Pearson Year: 2018 Language: English Pages : 642 Size: 37 MB  |Extension: pdf


Fundamentals of Mathematics isa series of 7 books, which are designed to provide comprehensive study material on a specific area in mathematics. It is an ideal companion for students who would like to master a particular subject area based on their individual requirements. All books in this series provide extensive coverage of the topics supported by numerous solved examples. The concepts are explained in a meticulously manner with ample illustrations and practice exercises (with answers). Overall these booksenables quick learning and aids thorough preparation to crack the various engineering entrance examinations





:: موضوعات مرتبط: ریاضی , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: فایل , mathematics , 2018 , Pearson , Fundamentals of Mathematics ,
تاریخ : یک شنبه 15 ارديبهشت 1398
بازدید : 519
نویسنده : کیا فایل

Fourier Analysis - A Signal Processing Approach

Fourier Analysis - A Signal Processing Approach


Title: Fourier Analysis - A Signal Processing Approach | Author(s): D. Sundararajan |Publisher: Springer | Year: 2018 | Language: English | Pages : 365 | ISBN: 978-981-13-1693-7| Size: 7 MB  | Extension: pdf


This book sheds new light on Transform methods, which dominate the study of linear time-invariant systems in all areas of science and engineering, such as circuit theory, signal/image processing, communications, controls, vibration analysis, remote sensing, biomedical systems, optics and acoustics. It presents Fourier analysis primarily using physical explanations with waveforms and/or examples, only using mathematical formulations to the extent necessary for its practical use. Intended as a textbook for senior undergraduates and graduate level Fourier analysis courses in engineering and science departments, and as a supplementary textbook for a variety of application courses in science and engineering, the book is also a valuable reference for anyone – student or professional – specializing in practical applications of Fourier analysis. The prerequisite for reading this book is a sound understanding of calculus, linear algebra, signals and systems, and programming at the undergraduate level.



Table of contents (10 chapters)

  • Signals

    Sundararajan, D.

    Pages 1-29

  • The Discrete Fourier Transform

    Sundararajan, D.

    Pages 31-55

  • Properties of the DFT

    Sundararajan, D.

    Pages 57-80

  • Two-Dimensional DFT

    Sundararajan, D.

    Pages 81-112

  • Convolution and Correlation

    Sundararajan, D.

    Pages 113-158

  • Aliasing and Leakage

    Sundararajan, D.

    Pages 159-178

  • Fourier Series

    Sundararajan, D.

    Pages 179-216

  • The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform

    Sundararajan, D.

    Pages 217-248

  • The Fourier Transform

    Sundararajan, D.

    Pages 249-292

  • Fast Computation of the DFT

    Sundararajan, D.

    Pages 293-319







:: موضوعات مرتبط: ریاضی , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: فایل , Fourier Analysis , Fourier , Analysis , 2018 , Springer , Mathematics ,
تاریخ : یک شنبه 15 ارديبهشت 1398
بازدید : 501
نویسنده : کیا فایل

Robust Nonlinear Regression with Applications Using R

Robust Nonlinear Regression with Applications Using R


Title: Robust Nonlinear Regression with Applications Using R | Author(s): Hossein Riazoshams, Habshah Midi Publisher: Wiley Year: 2018 Language: English Pages : 259 |ISBN: 9781119010449 Size: 3 MB Extension: pdf


Robust Nonlinear Regression: with Applications using R covers a variety of theories and applications of nonlinear robust regression. It discusses both parts of the classic and robust aspects of nonlinear regression and focuses on outlier effects. It develops new methods in robust nonlinear regression and implements a set of objects and functions in S-language under SPLUS and R software. The software covers a wide range of robust nonlinear fitting and inferences, and is designed to provide facilities for computer users to define their own nonlinear models as an object, and fit models using classic and robust methods as well as detect outliers. The implemented objects and functions can be applied by practitioners as well as researchers.




:: موضوعات مرتبط: ریاضی , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: فایل , Mathematics , Regression , Wiley , Programming R , Nonlinear ,

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